6th October

Dear Kay,

It’s been a crazy three months since I last wrote to you and so much has happened, too much to try to catch you up on I think so I’ll try to give you a quick debrief of what’s been going on.

August was pretty fun with lots of time spent with old friends from home, mainly with the bestest of all: Monsieur Pierre. I don’t know what I’d do without Pierre! We had a seriously drunken night of chats and laughs up in my place. Following that, we had another awesome sleepover with two of our other friends from home. That weekend was intense! I did so much socialising I thought for sure it would kill me. Our first (and last) work night out was on the Friday, leading into said weekend of fun! We headed to so many cool places that night and finished up in the Plumber’s House, a very ‘alt’ club by the river.

I wore a slinky black dress and did myself up all pretty so that Murphy couldn’t help but look at me. I know I told myself I didn’t want anything to do with him but the tension just got too much. I eventually plucked up the courage (after quite a few vodkas) to ask him what was going on, which he answered with a kiss. We kissed for a bit and he soon asked if we should get out of there. I knew what this meant but went with it anyway. I thought to myself that I was only living once and I was young and free and single (all the clichéd stuff). So I did it. I took him back to my place and it was the best night I’d ever spent with anyone. It was so intimate but still had that innocent awkwardness that comes with the whole nature of the situation. I was quite taken aback by how our bodies moved together and how we both just seemed to fit.

Murphy and I planned to meet on the Monday (bank holiday) to discuss our slightly drunken (mostly sober) Friday night encounter. He took me to a little restaurant that he thought would satisfy my want for finding a ‘reading nook’ in the city centre. We then spent the day wandering around the city and exploring. It was probably one of the longest first dates ever. I told him about how I wasn’t certain as to what I wanted (relationship-wise) but it didn’t seem to scare him off. I’ve been dating him ever since.

The dating has been lovely but I’m still uncertain about what I want. I think the uncertainty is coming from the fact that I can’t love him. Not yet anyway. I’m too afraid of getting as hurt as I was when Zoro ended things. I can’t hit that low place again, even if I can feel it creeping up.

The first week of September was spent in New York with the family. I was really apprehensive about travelling away with them as it’s been so long since I’ve spent any considerable time with them all in such close proximity. It turned out to be one of the most fun family holidays and I have absolutely no regrets!

Back to college has been a whirlwind experience. Swamped in deadlines and drowning in assignments, it’s going to be a monster of a task to keep my head above water. On the plus side, I’ve had a lovely 3 weeks meeting with friends and going out. The new roomies are nice and chilled, both final years which is pretty awesome as we’re all in the same boat. Turned out I actually knew one of them from secondary school! Couldn’t believe how crazy that coincidence was!

On the fitness side of things, it’s been so so long since I’ve been for a run and the itch is so intense. I’ve been dosed with a cold for the last two weeks so I haven’t been able to get back out. I’m getting so impatient because I want to start a proper training regime, up to the point of eventually being able to run the marathon I’ve always wanted to do. I’m thinking about adding swimming into the mix on cross training/down days to tone up a bit. I’ve already lost quite a bit but I’ve so far to go to get to where I’m fully confident/happy with how my body looks. I’m looking forward to getting back to the healthy eating and taking care of myself, not just for body healthiness but also for my poor brain!

Anyway, that wasn’t such a short run down of what’s going on but at least you’re caught up!

  • Mood: STRESS!
  • No. of roomies: 2 🙂
  • No. of boyfriends: 0/1? I don’t know!
  • Energy level: -100
  • Goals:
    • Don’t die a research paper induced death
    • Have a movie night with new roomies
    • Get super drunk with Fi
    • Start marathon training
    • Lose 1st!

Promise not to leave it as long the next time.

All the love and hugs,